Appointments & Committees

2025 COUNCIL appoiNTments  - Administration, council, and Committee (037/25)

R.M. Officials

  • Animal Control Officer: Michael Niesen
  • Britannia Fire Chief: John Bexson
  • Bylaw Enforcement Officer: Michael Niesen
  • Chief Administrative Officer: Bryson Leganchuk
  • Treasurer/ Assessor: Daymein Olynyk or Bryson Leganchuk
  • Development Services Officer: Ben Clipperton
  • Municipal Solicitor: SARM Legal Counsel
  • Pound Keeper – Stray Animals Act: Kent Thompson
  • Pound Keeper – Stray Dogs: Lloydminster Border Paws Animal Shelter

Other Committees, Boards, and Organizations

  • Lakeland Library Region Committee: Councillor Elaine Newman
  • Lloydminster and District Community Futures Committee: Councillor Elaine Newman
  • Lloydminster Regional Health Authority Committee: Reeve John Light and Councillor H. John Wack (Alternate)
  • Local Emergency Measures Organization:
    • CAO Bryson Leganchuk
    • Councillor Joe Hufnagel
    • Deputy EMO Coordinator Melissa Winter
    • Fire Chief John Bexson
    • Bill Cosh
    • Norm Namur (Lloydminster Rescue Squad)
    • Ryan LeBlanc (Lloydminster Rescue Squad)
    • Sharon Crush
    • Alexis Heck
    • Trudy Nolin-Zoerb
  • Northwest Mutual Aid: Councillor Spenser McGowan
  • Occupational Health Committee Employer Representatives:
    • CAO Bryson Leganchuk
    • Councillor Wilf Jurke
    • Councillor John Wack
    • Fire Chief John Bexson
  • Paradise Hill Health Committee: Councillor Ed Noble
  • RCMP Community Consultive Group: Councillor Ed Noble
  • Sandy Beach Regional Park Board: Councillor H. John Wack

2024 COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS  - board of Revision and Secretary (022/24 & 023/24)

022/24 - That the Rural Municipality of Britannia No. 502 appoints Western Municipal Consulting Ltd. to manage the Board of Revision process for the term of January 1, 2024, through to December 31, 2024; remuneration as set out in Western Municipal Consulting Ltd. fee schedule, with the following to serve as Members of the Board of Revision: Dave Gurnsey, Dave Thompson, Donna Rae Zadvorny, Gordon Parkinson, Jeff Hutton, Kevin Kleckner, Mike Waschuk, Murray Dean, Stew Demmans, Tim Lafreniere, Wayne Adams, Ken Friesen, Femi Ogunrinde, Fife Ogunde, Maureen Jickling, Jamie Tiessen, Corey Zaharuk, John Krill, Christopher Blueman, Alan Sawatsky, Mike Meleca, Hany Amin, Kimberly Speers, Nick Coroluick, and Rick Leigh.

The Chair shall be responsible for naming no fewer than three (3) members for the hearing of any matter. Where the Chair does not include themselves among the appointees, the members appointed for a hearing shall determine the chair of that hearing from among their numbers.

023/24 - That the Rural Municipality of Britannia No. 502 appoints Marlene Hassard with Western Municipal Consulting Ltd. as Secretary to the Board of Revision for the term of January 1, 2024, through to December 31, 2024; remuneration as set out in Western Municipal Consulting Ltd. fee schedule. If Marlene Hassard is unable to perform secretarial functions for reasons which may include scheduling difficulties the secretary may appoint a delegate to perform administrative functions and may appoint a recording secretary for the purposes of any hearing.

2024 COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS  - Development Appeals board AND SECRETArY (024/24 & 025/24)

024/24 - That the Rural Municipality of Britannia No. 502 appoints Western Municipal Consulting Ltd. to manage the Development Appeals Board process for the term of January 1, 2024, through to December 31, 2024; remuneration as set out in Western Municipal Consulting Ltd. fee schedule, with the following to serve as Members of the Development Appeals Board: Dave Gurnsey, Dave Thompson, Donna Rae Zadvorny, Gordon Parkinson, Jeff Hutton, Kevin Kleckner, Mike Waschuk, Murray Dean, Stew Demmans, Tim Lafreniere, Wayne Adams, Ken Friesen, Femi Ogunrinde, Fife Ogunde, Maureen Jickling, Jamie Tiessen, Stu Hayward, Pam Malach, Barry Clark, Corey Zaharuk, John Krill, Christopher Blueman, Alan Sawatsky, Mike Meleca, Hany Amin, Kimberly Speers, Nick Coroluick, and Rick Leigh.

The Chair shall be responsible for naming no fewer than three (3) members for the hearing of any matter. Where the Chair does not include themselves among the appointees, the members appointed for a hearing shall determine the chair of that hearing from among their numbers.

023/24 - That the Rural Municipality of Britannia No. 502 appoints Claudette McGuire with Western Municipal Consulting Ltd. as Secretary to the Development Appeals Board for the term of January 1, 2024, through to December 31, 2024; remuneration as set out in Western Municipal Consulting Ltd. fee schedule. If Claudette McGuire is unable to perform secretarial functions for reasons which may include scheduling difficulties the secretary may appoint a delegate to perform administrative functions and may appoint a recording secretary for the purposes of any hearing.

2024 COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS  - Weed Inspector (838/24)

That operations employee Melissa Winter be appointed as the 2025 Weed Inspector for the Rural Municipality of Britannia No. 502.