Overweight Permits

Roadata Service Ltd.

Please contact Roadata Services Ltd. for all Primary Weight and Overweight Permits for the RM of Britannia No.502

ROADATA:  1-888-730-3745
OR Visit their website: RoaData Website
OR Email: permits@roadata.com

The RM of Britannia No.502 is committed to keeping an open conversation between our team and the people who use our roads.

Roadata Services Ltd. has been contracted to administer all primary weight and overweight permits on behalf of the RM of Britannia No. 502.  If there is a need to apply a weight restriction or ban to a specific road, the RM will take action to do so, and let Roadata Services know so that they can pass that information along to users of the road affected.

Weight limits on municipal roads are the same as those for provincial secondary highways. However, the RM of Britannia No. 502 allows any individual power unit (truck) to haul primary weight on RM roads when an annual primary weight permit is obtained from Roadata.  If required, overweight permits for the RM of Britannia No. 502 can be obtained for single day trips in the same manner.

If a vehicle leaves an RM of Britannia No. 502 road while hauling over secondary weight, a primary or overweight permit from the jurisdiction they are entering will be required.


For more information about truck weight classifications and restrictions in Saskatchewan, please visit: Saskatchewan Department of Highways