As with the majority of municipalities in Saskatchewan, the R.M. of Britannia No. 502 contract with the Saskatchewan Assessment Management Agency (SAMA) to calculate property assessments, which are used, in turn, to calculate annual tax levies for both municipal and school. Every 4th year is a provincial-wide reassessment; the next revaluation is to be done in 2025.
Tax Rates
As per Mill Rate Factor Bylaw 14-2024, the 2024 municipal tax rates are 1.0409 mills on agricultural property, 0.9595 mills on residential property and 6.7165 mills on commercial & industrial property.
The municipal tax rate also includes the following minimum taxes, as per Minimum Tax Bylaw 16-2024:
Property Class | Type of Property | ||
Land | Improvements | Total | |
Agriculture | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Residential | $200 | $700 | $900 |
Commercial & Industrial | $0 | $0 | $0 |
The municipal tax rate also includes the following base taxes, as per Base Tax Bylaw 15-2024:
Property Class | Type of Property | ||
Land | Improvement | Total | |
Agriculture | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Residential | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Commercial & Industrial | $0 | $2185 | $2185 |
The SK Government school tax mill rates for 2024 are: 1.42 mills on agriculture property, 4.54 mills on residential property, 6.86 mills on commercial/industrial property, and 9.88 mills on resource (oil and gas, mined & pipelines).
Tax notices are generally mailed in late July each year. Remember, if you have moved, please contact the R.M. office to ensure that your current mailing address is updated in our records.
Tax Payment Deadline
Property Taxes are Due on December 31st of each year. There are no early-payment discounts on Municipal and School taxes.
Beginning January 1 of the year following the unpaid levy, or portions thereof, a penalty of 1% is added to any unpaid taxes on the first of each month.
Payments may be made on taxes (or any other invoice from the R.M. of Britannia) in person at the office; we accept cash, cheque or debit card methods. Payments may also be mailed or dropped in the mailbox on the wall near the office’s front door. Finally, clients of Synergy Credit Union or Servus Credit Union may pay tax levies or utility fees online using their owner’s numbers as reference (note: this can be found in brackets behind the owner’s name on the 2022 tax notices). As of May 2023, the RM of Britannia also accepts payment by credit card and e-transfer through Please visit the Payment Options page for more information.
Please Note:
The taxes as levied apply to the calendar year, covering the period January 1 to December 31 in any given year. It is standard practice, when a property sale is processed through a law firm, that the taxes owing are adjusted at the time of a property sale.
For more information...
If you have questions about your assessment and/or taxes, please be advised that you have a couple of options available:
- The Saskatchewan Assessment Management Agency (SAMA), who is contracted to place values for assessment purposes, has a useful tool called SAMAView on its website ( that allows the general public access to all individual property assessment in order to allow comparisons.
- Contact the RM office to speak to the Assessor and review the details of what is assessed on your specific property. Anyone wishing to check on the amount of farmland residential exemption that may be applicable under section 293(e) of The Municipalities Act is also encouraged to contact the RM office.
There are changes coming to Saskatchewan municipal property taxes. To learn more about how the changes will affect the Rural Municipality of Britannia No. 502 and other Northwest Municipalities, please watch this video:
To learn more about the changes to the Effective Tax Rate (ETR), please visit this page on the Government of Saskatchewan website: