OCP and Zoning Bylaw Amendments for Review


RM of Britannia No. 502 Public Notice – Lloydminster Planning District Zoning Bylaw Amendment

Public Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Rural Municipality (RM) of Britannia No. 502 intends to adopt a bylaw under The Planning and Development Act, 2007, to amend Bylaw No. 18-2014, known as the Lloydminster Planning District (LPD) Zoning Bylaw (ZB). 

INTENT: The proposed ZB amendment, Bylaw 06-2025, would replace the “garden suites” use with a new “secondary suites” use. The replacement use is intended for a smaller secondary dwelling as part of another building, to allow for additional residential space. Accessory building regulations are also being revised to harmonize them with the non-LPD area. Finally, some definitions and regulations are being updated or added for clarity.

AFFECTED LAND: All LPD parcels zoned AR, CR1 or CR2 districts will be affected by the changing regulations.

REASON: Council has received an application to amend the LPD ZB to allow secondary suites and revise the accessory building regulations. Council is considering this amendment as it will provide more flexibility to acreage owners and help with the housing shortage and demand for additional living space caused by economic and demographic changes, and allow increased density of development on existing sites instead of productive agricultural lands.

PUBLIC INSPECTION: Any person may inspect the bylaw at the RM of Britannia No. 502 office Monday to Friday, during regular business hours (8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.), excluding statutory holidays. Copies will be available to the public at a cost, by emailing the contact below. A copy of the proposed amendment is available for viewing here:  https://www.rmbritannia.com. 

PUBLIC HEARING: Council will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, March 26, 2025 at 10:25 AM at the “new” RM of Britannia No. 502 Office, located at Parcel B on NE 23-50-28W3M (1/4 mile south of TWP RD 504 on RR 3281), to hear any person or group that wants to comment on the proposed amendment. Council will consider written and emailed comments at the meeting, along with in-person representations. There will also be an on-line option for any persons that register to attend in this fashion. Only those who have made arrangements to speak on behalf of themselves or a group may be heard at the public hearing. The deadline for receipt of comments, and requests for in-person representation must be received by the RM office by Friday, March 21, 2025For additional information, please contact the administrator at (306) 825-2610 or dso@rmbritannia.com. Written submissions may be sent to RM of Britannia, P.O. Box 661, Lloydminster SK, S9V 0Y7 or dso@rmbritannia.com.

Issued at the City of Lloydminster this 6th day of March, 2025

Bryson Leganchuk CAO
RM of Britannia No. 502

Bylaw 06-2025 Lloydminster Planning District Zoning Bylaw Amendment (1st Reading)