Development Services

Planning, Development, and Building in the R.M. of Britannia No. 502

As of January 13, 2025, Development Services are now available in the RM of Britannia Administration Office Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

The RM of Britannia is responsible for ensuring any development and building within the municipality occurs in a safe and sustainable manner. In order to uphold our responsibility of ensuring our community's health, safety, and general welfare, the following bylaws have been implement:

RM of Britannia Development Bylaws

RM of Britannia Building Bylaw

RM of Britannia Approach Bylaw

Lloydminster Planning District Development Bylaws

For More Information...

For more information about the development of municipal Planning, Development, and Building bylaws, please review this general information document: Planning, Development, and Building Info.