

A development permit issued by the R.M. of Britannia Development Services Officer (DSO) acknowledges that the proposed use of land and buildings is compliant with the Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw.  An approved development permit is required in most instances in order to begin developing your property. A building permit is required in addition to a development permit and requires a separate application. A building permit will not be approved until such time a development permit has been issued.

The DSO will review all development permit applications received to ensure compliance with municipal bylaws and applicable provincial standards and regulations prior to issuing a decision ("approved", "approved with conditions", or "refused/ denied").

Applications deemed to be complex, such as but not limited to those with proposed developments on hazard land (see section 4.2 for the Zoning Bylaw), may require a longer review period. It is strongly encouraged that anyone considering development in the R.M. of Britannia review the Zoning Bylaw and contact the Development Services Officer prior to submitting an application. 

For more information about the development permit application process, please review section "3.6 Development Application Process" of the Zoning Bylaw. For more information about fees and types of development permit applications, please continue reading the information on this page.

For more information about development on hazard lands, zoning bylaw regulations, and the Statements of Provincial Interest, please review the following document: Development on Hazard Lands.

Development Fees

Fees for all types of development permit applications are available for review in Bylaw 03-2023, the Planning and Development Fee Bylaw. 

Development Permit Applications

Within the Planning and Development Fee Bylaw, there are seven different application forms. Please review the summary of each application throughout the Development Services pages to determine which you will need for your project. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the municipal office at 306-825-2610.

Permitted Use Application

Permitted Use Application Form

Permitted uses for each Zoning District are specified in tables 7.1 to 7.11 in the RM's Zoning Bylaw. Permitted are supportive of the policies in the OCP and have been identified as likely not having a significant negative impact on adjacent land uses. 

The DSO is responsible for reviewing Permitted Use Applications and has the authority to approve, approve with conditions or refuse a proposed permitted use development. The decision of the DSO will be based on the review of the information provided in the application for compliance with the Zoning Bylaw and any other applicable policies and regulations.  

The Municipal council is generally not involved in permitted use development application reviews, except where the Zoning Bylaw states that they may or must be consulted, for example, for interpretation or application of the bylaw in a specific circumstance or to accept the results of a report or study.

All Permitted Use Application Forms must be submitted with the prescribed fee and a completed Heritage Review - Exempt Activities Checklist, a clearance from Developers' Online Screen Tool, or proof of engagement with the Heritage Conservation Branch, where required.

Discretionary Use Application 

Discretionary Use Application Form

Discretionary uses may have one or more feature or effect that that could impact the surrounding land uses (such as increased traffic volume or noise). In order to reduce or control any potential negative impact on surrounding land uses, discretionary use development permit applications are reviewed against specific criteria included in the Zoning Bylaw and surrounding landowners are contacted for review and comment on the proposed development. 

Discretionary use applications will  be circulated for a minimum of 21 days to all landowners within a certain radius of the proposed development (as specified in the Zoning Bylaw), to provide an opportunity for community stakeholder comments or questions. 

Once the landowner comment period has completed, the DSO will review the application against all applicable bylaws and regulations and any comments or questions received during the comment period. A report will be issued by the DSO for council's review, including a recommendation to Council for approval or refusal of the application. The recommendation is based on the merits of the discretionary use application as reviewed against bylaws, regulations, and community comment. 

Council will consider the DSO report and recommendation and either approve, approve with conditions or refuse a discretionary use application.

All Discretionary Use Application Forms must be submitted with the prescribed fee and a completed Heritage Review - Exempt Activities Checklist, a clearance from Developers' Online Screen Tool, or proof of engagement with the Heritage Conservation Branch, where required.

Minor Variance Application

Minor Variance Application Form

A minor variance is a request for reduction of the minimum required setback distance of a building from the property line or the minimum required distance of a building to any other building on the site. A minor variance is reviewed on a case by case basis based on the specific situation of land or a building, which are not generally common in the same Zoning District. The minor variance may not exceed a 10% variation from the requirements of the Zoning Bylaw.

Move Or Demolish Application

Move or Demolish Application Form

A permit is required to relocate a building or to demolish a building in the Rural Municipality of Britannia No. 502. A separate Development Permit shall be required for any redevelopment of the site after the building has been removed.

Signage Application

Signage Application Form

All signs situated along a provincial highway are required to comply with The Erection of Signs Adjacent to Provincial Highway Regulations 1986, as may be amended from time to time.

Any sign not located along a provincial highway, requiring a permit from the municipality, may only advertise agricultural commercial uses, home-based businesses, the principal use of a site, or the principal products offered for sale on a premises and may not be located in the municipally maintained right of way. 

A maximum of two (2) advertising signs is permitted on any site, or quarter section. 

Government erected signs, either federal, provincial or municipal, memorial signs, real estate signs, signs identifying residential occupants or addresses, signs identifying utilities and directional signs that bear no advertising, including traffic control, no trespassing, hunting restriction and similar signs of a temporary nature, are exempt from restriction and do not require a permit.  

Temporary signs and real estate signs directly associated with the sale or lease of a home or other property do not require a permit only as long as the temporary condition exists for the property and the sign does not exceed 1.0 m2.              

Billboard and other off-site advertising signs are prohibited, except where permitted along a provincial highway.  

All private signs shall be located so that no part of the sign is located on or over a public right-of-way.  

For more information about signs in specific zoning district, please refer to section 4.18 Signs and Billboards of the RM's Zoning Bylaw.

Shoreline Development

If you are looking to develop near any shoreline you need to obtain an Aquatic Habit Protection Permit from the Water Security Agency prior to commencing any activities. For more information, please visit the WSA website and contact their organization directly.